Buying Extensions: What to Look for?
All Things Hair: What should a person look for when they are buying extensions? Latched and Hooked: A woman should see high quality hair extensions. Does the hair easily shed, frizz and or tangle. Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it’s quality and because it’s priced cheap doesn’t mean it’s competitive. Do your homework and read the reviews of customers who have used the hair extensions you are seeking to purchase. All Things Hair: How are your extensions different? Latched and Hooked: My extensions are different because they are made from synthetic fibers. Meaning no human being had to sacrifice their hair in the making of this product. My hair extensions are made for woman who want to embrace their kinky, coily and curly hair type and come free of any chemical coatings that most woman are allergic to. Lastly, my hair extensions are not sewed onto a weft, yet it is pre-looped and curled for easy installation. All Things Hair: How do you maintain extensions? How do you care for them? Latched and Hooked:Because my particular hair extensions are synthetic, you do not want to immerse your head under water because you would disrupt the curl pattern. This however does not mean you do not want to keep the hair underneath your extensions clean and healthy–because you do. Synthetic hair extensions are a low manipulation style. You do not have to do anything further to the hair itself while wearing for up to 8 weeks. To keep your scalp clean and refreshed, I recommend using a dry shampoo to lift the dirt and use a warm wash cloth to remove the build up. Next you will want to use an oil such as jojoba oil, which penetrates the scalp because of smaller molecules, to keep the scalp from being dry and flaky. All Things Hair: How long do they normally last? Latched and Hooked: Synthetic styles can last up to 8 weeks with proper care. It’s important to use a satin bonnet. Or you can pineapple your hair (hold your head downward and put your hair in a loose ponytail on top of your head and wrap with a satin head wrap). All of my hair extension products are as simple as Shake, Fluff and Go!™. All Things Hair: Tell us about your different collections? Latched and Hooked: The Mckenzie Collection and Zoe Collections are named after my daughters. I created this brand to have a business that they continue far after I’m gone. The two collections have hair extensions that getting glam for women so much easier–and faster. Both collections are considered protective style solutions, so when a woman wants to give her hair a break she can come to either of these collection to grab something affordable, stress-free and stylish. My Crown Collection is the newest collection added and it consists of hand braided wigs I have designed in Nigeria. They are super delicate and there is a lot of thought and care put into each custom wig. Perhaps this why Allure Magazine named our wigs as “The Best Product for Women Of Color.” Want to learn more about extensions? Check out to use hair extensions for bangs.