Are you one of those people that LOVED or HATED high school? I don’t know if it was the friends I had or that I met my husband in high school, but I loved my high school experience. With such fond memories of high school and after seeing this amazing and this awesome idea, I decided I needed to create a Return to High School date! Start the date off right with the decor! Gather anything around your home that reminds you of your school days. Dictionaries, notebooks, apples, pencils, and definitely yearbooks! I went with my Alma mater’s school colors (blue and yellow) and added some balloons to the table with the utensils.

This was probably my (and everyone else’s) favorite part of the decor. With How Does She’s inspiration, I had two banners of photos – one of each guest from when they were in school sent to me earlier by email and then a “High School” photo I MADE of everyone over at Jostens – Yearbook Yourself. These were hilarious and everyone got a kick out of seeing themselves in a different era. At the end of the night, everyone got to take their photo home as a memento. (These are so easy to do thanks to Jostens, just upload a photo of each guest and then you can adjust as needed. I then photoshopped them to add each persons name to look like it came straight from a yearbook.)

Mine wasn’t THE funniest but I definitely think I could pull off that hair!

We served dinner Cafeteria style with milk cartons, pizza, fruit and veggie cups, and tater tots all on disposable trays. I found a pack of 10 at the dollar store but I also saw a bigger pack being sold at Wal-Mart.

For dessert, ice cream cups!

Make sure the other couples know how to dress for the date by sending out the invitation (download below). It informs them to wear something from high school – a t-shirt, prom dress, class sweater/jacket, or something they’ve been holding on from the glory days. I really wanted to wear my old pep club uniform, but being 8 months pregnant just wouldn’t allow for that! Thankfully, we have awesome friends that go all out for these dates and made us laugh!

My husband and I sporting our old class shirts. Scott and Laura didn’t send in their own photos but rather made posters including such memorobilia as their letters, tassles, and student ID! They also both wore an exact outfit they have a picture of!

Here are our other guests sporting their old high school looks! Michelle’s eyebrows were a favorite of everyone’s! After eating our cafeteria style dinner we played a High School Quiz I created asking questions of things you should (could) have learned in school – like elements from the periodic table of elements, characters from High School literature, and even a few High School famous movie questions. Each couple was on a team and picked a school mascot to represent their team. Lastly, we voted on our “Class Favorites” and gave out prizes. I used the adorably cute tags from somewhatsimple and only changed a few of the actual prizes. Our “Most Likely to Succeed” got some Smarties, “Best Hair” took home a comb, “Best Smile” got some toothpaste, “Class Clown” received Laffy Taffy, “Most Athletic” some sponge balls, “Best Dressed” went away with hangers, “Best Eyes” had a funny face disguise with glasses, and the “Best Couple” won a pack of Sweetarts.

Everyone had a great time and could put behind them any bad memories of High School, being replaced by this fun date night. This would be a perfect date for a group of friends if you have a reunion coming up this summer or to celebrate the end of the school year!

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