Valentine’s Day is our Christmas! We just LOVE it and think it is SO important to celebrate all the ways you love your spouse!  But aside from just planning a date night and giving each other sweet love notes, be sure to take a moment to recognize the true meaning of the holiday – your relationship! On your wedding day you made a special commitment to one another! That includes taking the good with the bad.  Sometimes it’s hard to look past the challenges and work through them.  BUT that’s where we’d LOVE to help!  Whether your marriage is ROCKIN’ or on the rocks, we want to help keep the spark alive! Here are some FANTASTIC date ideas and marriage articles for you to share with your spouse during National Marriage Week:

Amazing Date Idea: Deal or No Deal – See just how risky your man is with a little bedroom game of Deal or No Deal. Insightful Marriage Article: 5 Tips for a Successful At-home Date Night – We can come up with a variety of excuses of why we skip date night, but here are 5 tips to ENSURE you fit it in! Amazing Date Idea: Cuddle Kit for 2 – Use our Cuddle Kit for a romantic night in, snuggling up with your man! Insightful Marriage Article: Learn to Love Yourself – Loving yourself is just as important as loving your husband.  Once you learn to love yourself, you become a better lover and caregiver. Amazing Date Idea: The Road Trip Date – whether its an impromptu getaway or a road trip to the in-laws, this date makes time go fast and your relationship grow stronger! Insightful Marriage Article: Always Say Yes! – Yes is a powerful word! Always say YES when it comes to helping and supporting your spouse. Amazing Date Idea: 18 Movie Dates – One of the quickest, most fun and relaxing at-home date is movie night.  Here are 18 GREAT movie night ideas!

What’s Next for Your Marriage?!   We have a uniquely designed Marriage Masters Program suitable for marriages at all stages!  Find it in our Diva Central Community!

The Diva Central Community offers not only our Marriage Masters Program, but EXCLUSIVES GALORE! The Community includes ALL our printables including ones designed SPECIFICALLY for Community members ONLY.  You’ll have full access to all of our tele-retreats, where you can listen to all the presentations as many times as you’d like! We have a discussion board where you can get more one-on-one interaction with the Divas and talk with other readers like yourself on marriage topics of all kinds.  You also have exclusive rights to enter givaways available ONLY to Community members! Recently, we started a book club where you can follow along with us via discussion in our Diva Dialogues and have access to fun date ideas and printables that correspond with what we are reading. Worried it might be hard to keep up with!?  Don’t be!  Sign up for our Community newsletter, where we keep you abreast of all that’s happening inside the community from our latest posts, giveaways, discussions and more. What could be better than just one Dating Diva site? TWO!! Join the Diva Central Community TODAY!

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